In a gradual way, to produce an intended as well as the unique landscape design requires some factors or principles related to prescriptions in respect of working with different elements. In a similar manner, enchanting or beautiful landscape design follows a unique combination of seven factors such as balance, unity, emphasis or focalization, rhythm, proportion as well as reputation.
Therefore, some following factors are:
- Unity – It mainly refers to the use of element to create consistency and elements with the combination of theme and idea related to landscape design. Palace landscape design always believes in contrast and variety in the landscape design.
- Balance – It is another aspect of beautiful landscape design in in respect of symmetry in visual attraction and equilibrium.
- Proportion – It mainly describes the size of the relationship between different aspects of landscape related design.
- Vocalization- It focuses on the visual attention to a point of prominent aspect of the landscape design.
Conclusion: In an ideal manner, a unique and flawless landscape design always depends on several factors such as balance, unity, emphasis etc.